Predstavte si budúcnosť, v ktorej sa architektúra a príroda spájajú do harmonického celku, kde každá stavba sa stáva živou, dýchajúcou súčasťou vesmíru. V tomto svete sa kupoly Geodomas týčia nad horizontom ako žiariace hviezdy, odrážajúce túžbu ľudstva žiť v harmónii s prírodou.

V tejto futuristickej vízii kupoly Geodomas stoja ako zázraky posvätnej geometrie, kde je každá línia a uhol starostlivo zvážený a navrhnutý pre harmóniu. Tieto kupoly nie sú len stavby; sú symbolmi udržateľnosti, energetickej účinnosti a inovácií.

Vyrobené z najpokročilejších materiálov, kupoly žiaria na slnku a trblietajú sa v mesačnom svetle, ako krištáľové svätyne, ktoré ukrývajú našu budúcnosť. Ich priehľadné povrchy umožňujú svetlu preniknúť dovnútra a naplniť priestory prirodzeným jasom, ktorý oživuje dušu aj telo.

Každá kupola Geodomas je ako mikrokozmos, kde sa človek môže stiahnuť z hlučného sveta a nájsť pokoj. Tu, medzi futuristickými stenami, sa stretávajú moderné technológie a prírodné sily, aby vytvorili dokonalú rovnováhu. Navrhnuté s posvätnou geometriou, tieto kupoly pomáhajú vytvárať priestor plný pozitívnej energie a života.

Mestá budúcnosti, tvarované Geodomasom, sú zelené oázy, kde je každá budova súčasťou ekosystému. Kupoly rastú ako futuristické stromy, spájajú ľudí s prírodou a vesmírom. Ponúkajú nielen útočisko, ale aj spôsob, ako žiť v harmónii so svetom, kde sú zdroje energie čisté a život udržateľný.

Kupoly Geodomas sú ako súhvezdia na nebi našej budúcnosti, každé z nich rozpráva príbeh o našom úsilí vytvoriť lepší svet. Pod ich žiarivými oblúkmi môžeme nájsť svoje miesto vo vesmíre a cítiť sa ako súčasť niečoho väčšieho a večného.

Nechajte svoju predstavivosť vzlietnuť vysoko nad týmito futuristickými svätyňami, kde sa vízia Geodomas stáva realitou. Je to svet, kde je každá kupola snom a každý sen je krokom k jasnejšej budúcnosti.


GLAMPING DOMES | PORTABLE | ALL-SEASON | GEODOMAS presents a new word in glamping leisure – our unique glamping domes that can be easily adapted and transformed from simple tents into modern, insulated lodges. Our glamping domes will provide you with a magical night under a starry sky – whether it’s in a cozy bed, under the moonlight, or enjoying the Milky Way. It is truly a dream that leaves no one indifferent.

GLAMPING BUSINESS | PORTABLE | ALL-SEASON |GEODOMAS presents a new word in glamping leisure – our unique glamping domes that can be easily adapted and transformed from simple tents into modern, insulated lodges. Our glamping domes will provide you with a magical night under a starry sky – whether it’s in a cozy bed, under the moonlight, or enjoying the Milky Way. It is truly a dream that leaves no one indifferent.

TREE DOMES | FOREST RESORTS Glamping Domes | Portable | All-season |

Treehouses are already spreading worldwide. For many, treehouses bring back memories of childhood and fun adventures. Now, with modern architecture breaking all stereotypes, not only children but also adults are starting to build homes in the trees. This choice is often driven by a desire to live closer to nature, break from established norms, and enjoy a different lifestyle.

FLOATING DOMES | GLAMPING BOAT Glamping Domes | Portable | All-season |

GEODOMAS presents a unique floating recreational boat designed for luxurious retreats on water. Our glamping recreational boats, with their multi-layered walls, offer unparalleled comfort and luxury, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of nature right on the water’s surface. Imagine a serene morning when the first rays of the sun gently wake you from your dreams. You are on a floating boat, gently swaying on the lake’s waves, far from the city’s noise and daily hustle. Here, time stands still, allowing you to savor each moment surrounded by nature. The floating boat is not just a means of transportation; it’s like a floating home, full of luxury and comfort. Your footsteps echo on the wooden floors, each step reminding you of stability and security. This boat’s design ensures maximum comfort and resilience against any natural conditions.

OUTDOOR CLASSROOM | COMFORTABLE ENVIRONMENT Glamping Domes | Portable | All-season |

The Outdoor Classroom Dome is an excellent choice for schools, kindergartens, and other educational and sports institutions aiming to provide students with a unique and comfortable learning and recreational environment. These modern and functional structures allow students to learn close to nature throughout the year, regardless of weather conditions. Fully insulated, these domes create a warm, safe, and cozy space even in temperatures as low as -20°C, making them ideal for organizing outdoor classes and activities. They are suitable for both regular learning and meeting special needs throughout the year. Furthermore, these structures promote students’ health, creativity, and motivation.


LIVING HOMES A+ & GARDENING GASEBO | Our domes can save you up to over fifty percent when on standard (on the grid) electrical and gas hookups. This saves you tons of money for years to come! All our domesare frame construction for the shell, so you have better insulation for even more savings on heating and cooling, in all types of climates


MODULAR SYSTEM | PANELS & GLASS | ALL-SEASON Sandwich panels are an example of a sandwich structured composite: the strength and lightness of this technology makes it popular and widespread. GEODOMAS long-life covers come in a variety of colors, and are mold and mildew resistant, UV protected, and fire retardant. Enjoy your dream home or personal studio, for a fraction of the time and investment demanded by traditional construction. Our eco living domes are built easily and quickly, reducing construction costs, using the least amount of resources to enclose space, and are uniquely affordable – allowing you to live mortgage – free.

AMBITIOUS PROJECTS | WORLDWIDE Geodomas is a leader in developing innovative prototypes in civil construction, covering various areas including air and water environments. We continuously strive to apply advanced technologies and innovative solutions to meet the growing needs of our clients.


DOME SETS & PARTS | ONLINE CATALOG Geodomas presents its new online dome catalog, featuring domes of various technologies and types, as well as their parts and accessories. Our catalog is designed to make it easy to find and order the products you need and receive exclusive offers for your project.